The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) is delighted to announce our inaugural ‘Prosthetists and Orthotists Day’ on 8 September 2021.
The awareness day aims to raise the profile of the two roles with both health and care professionals and the general public. The day will provide the opportunity for Prosthetists and Orthotists to celebrate their profession and the benefit these roles have for those patients who access the services they provide.
The P&O Day 2021 working group is developing a series of case studies to demonstrate the role Prosthetists and Orthotists play in promoting patient wellbeing, health and rehabilitation. The team will also be creating a P&O Day toolkit which will include various assets for BAPO members to share on their social media platforms and throughout their organisations and networks.
Nicky Eddison, Chair of BAPO’s Professional Affairs Committee said: “It’s incredibly important to shine a light on the great work Prosthetists and Orthotists do every day, highlight the positive impact we have on our service users and to take the time to celebrate our profession. I hope the new national P&O Day will raise the profile of our professions, highlight the difference we make to people’s lives and help our wider colleagues gain a better understanding of the work we do and our unique skill set.”
Please add the date – 8 September 2021 – to your diary and share the details of the awareness day with your Trust. Also, if you have a case study or success story to share about you or your team’s role as a P&O professional, please email it to enquiries@bapo.com