To download the document click Here or visit
To download the document click Here or visit
ORLAU is running a new course on Orthotic Management of Contractures on Thursday 24th Oct – For more information see their flyer below or to book see their website ORLAU
RSPH have just launched a new framework for social prescribing for AHPs
Social prescribing, sometimes referred to as community referral, is a means of enabling people to be referred to a range of local, non-medical services.
Recognising that people’s health is determined primarily by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support people to take greater control of their own health.
Social prescribing can meet a wide range of needs, with many schemes aiming to improve mental health and physical wellbeing. It can be used to support adults, young people and children as well as people with learning disabilities or mental health problems. It can take place in primary and secondary care. Social prescribing can also help to address social issues such as debt, unemployment, gambling and loneliness.
Social prescribing and community-based support is part of the NHS Long-Term Plan’s commitment to make personalised care[i] business as usual across the health and care system in England. The NHS Long Term Plan[ii] published in January 2019 has a commitment to personalised care and increasing access to social prescribing for the whole population.
This approach to holistic care is not new to allied health professionals who frequently have conversations and provide support related to the wider factors influencing the health of the people they work with.
To illustrate the way AHPs already support this agenda and to provide a framework to support them to do more; a new social prescribing framework for AHPs[iii] has been developed by the Royal Society for Public Health, Public Health England, NHS Improvement and NHS England along with AHP professional bodies and voluntary sector partners.
The framework is divided into 4 sections to reflect the varying intensity of AHP interventions, these include:
Over 2500 AHPs engaged with the development of this framework by completing a survey, joining a twitter chat, providing feedback on early drafts and submitting case studies. This shows the enthusiasm for this agenda amongst the professions. We hope the framework will support all AHPs to articulate their current role in social prescribing and consider how they could do more.
The new Work and Health e-learning programme, developed by Public Health England and Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, helps healthcare professionals to recognise the value in talking to patients about work.
The e-learning will support them to make brief interventions such as discussing the health benefits of work with patients, talking about return to work and advising on adjustments at work.
Good work is crucial to good health – in fact, unemployment increases the risk of early death by 63%. Healthcare professionals can play a key role in helping patients to improve their health outcomes by remaining in or returning to work.
In recognition of the impact that work can have on our health, the Association of Medical Royal Colleges, the Royal College of Nursing and the Allied Health Professions Federation have published a Health and Work Consensus Statement for Action – this sets out a commitment to support healthcare professionals in supporting this agenda.
more information about the e-learning programme and details of how to access it
The Scottish AHP Dementia programme delivers webinars to help clinicians and support good practice, they have invited all members of AHPFS (Allied Health Professional Federation Scotland) of which BAPO is a member, to join the National AHP Dementia WEBEX – sharing practice; connecting people, connecting support.
Date – Wednesday 24th April 2019
Time – 3.30 – 4.30pm
Topic – CPR for feet – the impact of pressure ulcerations on the foot and how to reduce the risk.
Guest presenters – Karen Mellon, podiatrist, Dunfermline NHS Fife
To join the WEBEX you need to
Please ensure you have registered by the 23rd April. Requests after this date will not be able to join.
National Apprenticeship Week takes place between 4 and 8 March and this year is themed around ‘blaze a trail’ for more information and to read more:
A working group comprising organisations from across a range of health and social care sectors has launched a set of principles for continuing professional development (CPD) and lifelong learning.
The principles are designed to guide individuals, employers and wider systems to create a culture of continuous improvement, workforce development and improve outcomes for service users. People working in the health and social care workforce operate in a changing, challenging and complex environment. Practicing safely and effectively, now and in the future is essential.
The five principles are that CPD and Lifelong Learning should;
1. be each person’s responsibility and be made possible and supported by your employer
2. benefit the service users
3. improve the quality of service delivery
4. be balanced and relevant to each person’s area of practice or employment
5. be recorded and show the effect on each person’s area of practice
Will Broughton, Director of Professional Standards for the College of Paramedics and Chair of the working group, said:
“We believe that the health and social care workforce should have the opportunity to undertake CPD activity and these five principles clearly illustrate how developing new knowledge, skills and evidence-based working will produce an effective workforce, who are well-equipped and prepared to deliver high quality services.
It is our intention to evaluate the impact of the principles next year ahead of a review in January 2021. We welcome feedback from people working across the health and social care workforce that will contribute to further versions of this document.
Thank you to all members of the working group, the organisations who hosted our meetings and for the behind the scene support that got this to finished project.”
Please follow this link to access the publication:
The Interprofessional CPD and Lifelong Learning UK Working Group is made up of: Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland, Association of Clinical Scientists, British Association of Art Therapists, British Association of Music Therapy, British and Irish Orthoptic Society, British Dietetic Association, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, College of Operating Department Practitioners, College of Paramedics, Institute of Biomedical Science, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Occupational Therapists, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists, The British Psychological Society, The Royal College of Midwives, The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, The Society and College of Radiographers, UNISON and Unite the union.
SIHED is working hard to continue to promote our professions and in conjunction with the NHS campaigns team have created some promotional videos.
You can see these going out on Facebook and Twitter this week or you can download them @
These can be used at any careers event or within NHS trusts to encourage people to consider P&O as a career.
BAPO members have been sent an Invitation to join an online workshop on #advancedpractice
Below is a Letter from Beverley Harden, the AHP Lead for Health Education England
I am writing to announce the launch of an online workshop on multi-professional advanced and consultant practice and to ask you join the discussion.
The workshop will run, initially, for a period of two weeks until Friday 16 November. During that time we are keen to get as many people involved in the discussion so that we can develop a much clearer understanding what is happening across health and care in advanced practice now, but even more importantly, what needs to change. Your views are critical to help Health Education England, NHSE and NHSI and others develop this role, working with employers, healthcare professionals, educators and trainers, professional bodies and regulators.
Participating is easy; simply register at the following site ( and get thinking! You can observe the discussion, post ideas or comments, or simply press a voting button to express support for an idea already up there. It really is that simple. What’s more it’s anonymous and moderated by our partners, innovation agency, Clever Together.
Please could you share widely across your networks, your communications teams and encourage people to ALSO sign up to to stay updated after the workshop.
More background information is set out below, but once again, we’d really appreciate your participation so please do get involved.
With best wishes,
Beverley Harden
HEE AHP lead and National Lead for Multi-professional Advanced and Consultant Practice
Why is this debate so important? The health and care system in England is evolving rapidly to deliver innovative models of care to meet the developing needs of individuals, families and communities. There is a growing consensus that if high quality patient care is to be sustained in the future, new and emerging roles will need to play a crucial part in the NHS.
One such group is likely to be those working at an advanced level of practice, experienced clinicians* who meet the four pillars of the Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England or the ’in development’ Multi-professional framework for consultant practice in England. This online workshop has been designed to enable us to listen to the views of all stakeholders as we in Health Education England seek to play our part in developing the workforce of the future.
The NHS (in England) Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England described the high-level imperative for a new approach to development and assurance for advanced clinical practice. This has been reiterated by many other individuals and organisations, such as the Nuffield Trust in their recent report looking at acute medical care in small hospitals. Advanced practice roles are seen across all areas of care e.g. in diagnostics, mental health, acute care, urgent and emergency care, rehabilitation, primary and community care, cancer, maternity, children’s and young people the list goes on.
But we need to take this further. We know we need to understand better the needs of employers, what the opportunities, risks and issues are for service, as well as any barriers which may exist to the development of these roles, including access to, and assurance of, the right education and training.
*In this context ‘experienced clinicians’ refers to all registered healthcare professionals, except registered medical professionals/doctors.
Our aims for this online workshop
How will the debate work?
The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) was established to encourage high standards of prosthetic and orthotic practice. It is committed to Continued Professional Development and education to enhance standards of prosthetic and orthotic care.
British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO)
Clyde Offices
2nd Floor
48 West George Street
G2 1BP
Tel: 0141 561 7217
Opening Hours:
Mon – Thurs: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Fri: 9:00am – 12 midday