Getting Started
As the UK professional body for Prosthetists and Orthotists, the British Association for Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) are here to support you updating your knowledge and skill.
BAPO represents registered Prosthetist/Orthotists by promoting the high standards of prosthetic and orthotic practice required by HCPC. We are committed to Continued Professional Development and education which enhances the prosthetic and orthotic care provided to the public. BAPO provides a voice at government and influences the commissioning of UK prosthetic and orthotic services. We influence and lobby on behalf of the profession and provide guidance to our members.
As a member you can access all of our resources created to support your returning to practice.
As well as receive the other membership benefit available for all of our members you will be able to:
- access our pre recorded library of educational content,
- receive discounts for our current CPD opportunities
- join our mentorship programme and receive support in your journey back to practice
- record your CPD in our online portfolio as evidence to support your HCPC application
You can use our resources and seek our advice to help you meet HCPC’s requirements through:
- supervised practice
- formal study
- private study
HCPC Support
HCPC have guidance on how to rejoin the register- depending on how long you have not been practicing , depends on what you need to do to refresh your knowledge to ensure you meet the standards required to practice.
There are some good videos on their website to start with.
BAPO Education Support
Our education committee create an annual plenary of online resources; short courses and discussion groups aimed at supporting our members CPD. As a member you can access free pre-recorder library content and new face to face courses for a discounted rate.
We also facilitate a Journal club and association membership would enable you to participate in active discussion and inform your evidence based practice.
Our online CPD platform provides a way of capturing your CPD and can be used as a reflective tool as well as a downloadable portfolio to use as evidence of your development with return to practice. This platform is accessible for BAPO members only.
BAPO Research Support
BAPO have an active research committee and facilita reasearch in many ways.
For those starting out we have a #teatimetalk on critical apprasial which provides an introduction into evidenced based practice and this is available on demand in the members section.
Members can also access the BAPO and Staffordshire University Research Hub a fantastic resource which allows members to be involved in research projects working alongside experienced researchers
Career Journeys
BAPO has several resources available to memebers which detail career journeys and give potentials paths for returnees to explore and develop.
Our #teatimetalks series are available on demand on the members section and we have discussions with both Dr Nicola Eddison – Consultant Orthotist and Laura Barr – Advanced Orthotist to view.
You can also access AHP Universe on ElfH which is a great resources for expanding practice
HEE’s RTP Programme
The HEE RTP programme team can provide support on returning to practice. Please see their website for further information and resources or get in touch – R2PAHP-HCS@hee.nhs.uk