The Legs Matter coalition is working together to increase awareness, and understanding, and prevent harm for lower leg and foot conditions.
The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) is pleased to announce its affiliation with Legs Matter. BAPO looks forward to supporting Legs Matter in their future campaigns.
If you would like to share examples of how your work contributes to the Legs Matter campaign – i.e., how as a Prosthetist/Orthotist you care for people with lower limb pathologies, please contact enquiries@bapo.com
For more information visit https://legsmatter.org/
“BAPO recognises that there is a hidden harm crisis in leg and foot care. The Association welcomes the opportunity to collaborate and support the efforts of the Leg Matters campaign to help tackle the crisis. BAPO will actively campaign to make a positive difference to the outcomes for those whose health is affected.”

Peter Iliff
BAPO Chair“The Legs Matter campaign celebrates the people who are making a difference to end the hidden harm crisis in leg and foot care. The prosthetic and orthotic workforce plays a key role in lower limb health. That’s why it is important BAPO affiliate with this campaign, and highlight the important work our profession contributes towards this crisis”