Unfortunately this event has had to be cancelled .
Many thanks to all those who were interested in taking part.

Our profession exists in a constantly changing environment. With improvements in technology, surgery and changing health profile for our populations, rehabilitation has been revolutionised over the last 20 years and will continue to adopt new procedures and components to maximise the outcomes for our service users. BAPO has created a strategy document for our association but we should also be looking forward to the future for the profession.
What’s on the horizon in the UK and the NHS?
Do our clinicians of the future need to have different skills?
Does our training need to change to anticipate this in our undergraduate programmes and post graduate CPD?
BAPO is creating a long term strategy for the next ten years for P&O to direct work and projects to ensure our profession is ready for the future, and we need your help.
To facilitate this, we are holding an event for all members to consider how we best structure our activities in the coming years. The event will include presentations from those involved in setting strategy in health economics, rehabilitation services, technology and healthcare generally. Following the presentations, you will be invited to contribute to group discussions to consider how these may impact on our own strategy. The day will conclude with bringing together the results of those discussions to help create a draft document of what our strategy may be.
We see this as an important event in giving you, the membership, an opportunity to help steer the future of our profession.
We look forward to meeting you on the day and very much hope as many as possible will attend the event.
Please fill in the below for or contact the Secretariat to confirm you attendance