Shortlisted Nominees
Click on the heading tabs below to view the nominees for each category. Well done to all of our shortlisted awards nominees. The winners have now been announced and are highlighted in bold.
Chiazoka Ezeuzo – Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals Trust
WINNER – Scott McNab – Peacocks Medical Group (Trust Lead for NHS Northumbria)
Richard Neale – Northampton General Hospital
WINNER – Lawrence Staegemann – NCHC Re-enablement services Norwich
WINNER – Thomas Williams – Queen Mary’s Hospital – Roehampton
Joel Centeno – ALAC, Cardiff
WINNER – Lewis Osborn – University of Salford
Catherine Hendy – University of Derby
Trulife, Sheffield
WINNER – Essex Orthopaedics (Braintree) Limited
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals Trust, Orthotics Service
WINNER – Isabelle Taylor – Blatchford Northern General Hospital Sheffield.
Caitlin Roberts – Opcare – Bristol
Christabelle Asoluka – BAPO Assistant Education Officer
WINNER – Sandra Sexton – Former BAPO Education Officer, Project Lead for The Sim App
Ian Adam – BAPO Committee Member
We are excited to announce that Cor Hutton will be the host of our inaugural P&O Awards on Friday
6 September at Drayton Manor resort.
Cor Hutton is a quadruple amputee, single mother, activist, charity founder and world record holder. A fine and truly inspirational speaker, Cor is the first Scot to receive a double hand transplant. She has an infectious wit and a great sense of humour. Her ability to laugh in the face of her own adversity is both refreshing and humbling. Speaking at events across the UK, Cor is in increasing demand as an inspirational keynote and motivational speaker, and we are privileged that she is joining us for the awards.
A big thank you to all our sponsors who are making this event possible.
This event also marks our celebration of Prosthetics and Orthotics Day.
The event will include a drinks reception, a three-course dinner, and the opportunity to help shine a light and celebrate the shortlisted individuals.