Job Advert – University of Derby – Prosthetic Author
Leadership Programme – Applications Open!
BAPO is excited to announce that following the success of the 22/23 Leadership cohort, applications are now open for the 23/24 Cohort.
Richard H Shorney, Real Healthcare Solutions Ltd.
British Dietetic Association (BDA)
3rd Floor Interchange Place
151-165 Edmund Street
B3 2TA
United Kingdom
Friday 17th November 2023 (with a follow up date in March 2024 and x3 virtual evening sessions in between)
Agenda Topics
- AHP Leadership – where you fit in
- Leadership theories
- Working with colleagues – understanding personality traits
- Adaptability and resilience
- SpotlightPROFILE – Individual assessment profiles to support understanding of self
- Business case writing in healthcare – improving services
- Making an impact – leadership that works
There is no charge for those accepted onto the programme.
It is BAPO’s aim for the programme to fulfil the delegates’ leadership expectations from both an operational and strategic perspective.
In addition, the learner will develop their own leadership toolkit throughout the BAPO Leadership Programme and be able to apply the newly acquired skills in practice.
How to Apply
Spaces are limited, so act now. This programme is open to all BAPO members (apart from students) and BAPO staff members. Students are excluded as the programme supports projects which will be located in the workplace. BAPO would especially welcome applications from prosthetists and also from members working in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
To apply please complete a 250-word expression of interest to attend this course, entitled:
“How this BAPO leadership programme will assist my own professional development”
Successful candidates will be informed by Friday 4th August 2023 by email
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Certification of attendance will be provided to support your ongoing HCPC requirements under CPD
Good Care Month – July 2023

The government are now including care experienced young people as a protected characteristic in order to better support them and remove the barriers that prevent children and young people, both in and leaving care, from achieving their potential.
NICE work with the adult and children’s care sector to develop independent recommendations for social care. As well as their social care guidelines, they have also created a Quick guides to social care topics with the Social Care Institute for Excellence, which contain key information about social care topics.
NHS 75
BAPO joins AHP collaboration to support placement quality and capacity
The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) is one of ten Allied Health Professional (AHP) professional bodies working together to support the growth and quality of practice-based learning in pre-registration education.
Last year, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) teamed up to develop a set of principles that offer a clear direction for creating quality, practice-based learning opportunities for both physiotherapy and occupational therapy learners (students and apprentices).
Recognising that no profession works alone, BAPO is now joining CSP and RCOT, along with seven other professional bodies and will be coming together to launch a co-badged and updated version of the principles in the autumn.
BAPO is coming together with:
- British and Irish Orthoptic Society
- British Dietetic Association
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- College of Operating Department Practitioners
- College of Paramedics
- Royal College of Occupational Therapists
- Royal College of Podiatry
- Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
- Society and College of Radiographers
Tamsin Baird, CSP Education Advisor and Carolyn Hay, RCOT’s Head of Education are excited to be able to work with so many other professional bodies to support the further embedding of the principles of practice-based learning. Since their launch in October 2022 the principles have been well received by educators, university teams and learners. CSP and RCOT made the principles freely available to all AHPs and the new co-badged version will continue with this open insight.
The principles act as a catalyst for conversation and structure thinking to support the thousands of practitioners who are delivering practice-based learning opportunities for our future workforce. Without a growing number of quality, sustainable placement opportunities we will not be able to prepare the AHPs of the future for practice. These principles provide a common-sense approach detailing current evidence and practical pointers to support the breadth of placement opportunities needed.
On joining this collaboration Sandy Sexton, Education and Practice Development Officer from BAPO says “we are collaborating on the Principles to support the development of quality, sustainable placement opportunities for pre-registration prosthetists and orthotists”.

BAPO Virtual Events – TeaTimeTalk 10/07/2023 – Update on treatments and outcomes of CTEV

BAPO’s response to the publication of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
BAPO recognises that the publication of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan represents a major opportunity for England’s health and care systems. Publication will be seen as an achievement for everyone who has supported the process and BAPO applauds those stakeholders responsible for its delivery. BAPO will play an active part in supporting those measures, including apprenticeships, which strengthen our workforce and enable members and colleagues to improve the care to those within our population, whose wellbeing and health rely on the skills and commitment of our prosthetists, orthotists, technicians and support workers.
EPA Assessment writer required
New handbook supports healthcare support workers throughout their career

A new digital handbook for healthcare support workers (HCSWs) has been developed by NHS England elearning for healthcare in partnership with the London region HCSW programme team.
The handbook serves as a ‘one stop shop’ of resources that are relevant to existing and future HCSWs. It captures many areas of the HCSW’s journey including applying for a HCSW role, Care Certificate, career development, skills and “day in the life of” videos to showcase all the opportunities a HCSW can work in.
There is also a support section which signposts learners to further information such as raising concerns, health and wellbeing, and buddying.
The resource is aimed at HCSWs, people interested in a HCSW role, HCSW leads in Trusts, nursing leads and educational leads.
For more information and to access the handbook, please visit the HSCW Handbook programme page.