Lord Bradley Oral Question:
progress on extending prescribing responsibilities to more allied health professionals –
Briefing from the #PrescribingNow coalition – 06/02/2024

- Despite assurances given to peers during the passage of the Medicines and Medical Devices Act in 2020, there has been no substantive movement on extending independent prescribing responsibilities to dietitians, occupational therapists, orthoptists, diagnostic radiographers, and speech and language therapists.
- The Government has also undertaken no assessment of the benefits of doing so, as confirmed by a series of written questions by MPs during 2023, most recently in October 2023.[1]
- In February 2023, the British Dietetic Association, the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, the British and Irish Orthoptic Society, the Society of Radiographers, and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, launched the #PrescribingNow campaign. The coalition has since been joined by the British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists and the College of Operating Department Practitioners.
- Coalition letters to Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in February 2023 and September 2023 remain unanswered. So do letters from individual organisations.
- In December 2023, the House of Lords Integration of Primary and Community Care Committee recommended, ‘More community disciplines should be given independent prescribing and referral rights, going further than the recently announced plans from the government for pharmacists’.[2]
- The coalition welcomes this recommendation. It is now time for the Government to act on it and finally start the moves to extending independent prescribing responsibilities to dietitians, occupational therapists, orthoptists, diagnostic radiographers, speech and language therapists, prosthetists and orthotists, and operating department practitioners, in the interests of our patients, other healthcare professionals, the wider health and care system, and the public purse.
Assurances to peers during the passages of the Medicines and Medical Devices Act in 2020
Responding to Baroness Thorton’s amendment on 11 November 2020, Baroness Penn said:
- I know that a number of NHS professional groups are keen to see their members taking on responsibility for supplying or prescribing medicines. We have recently seen papers put forward by the British Dietetic Association, the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, the British and Irish Orthoptic Society, the Society of Radiographers and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. I am very grateful to the professional groups for the careful consideration that they have given to these issues.
- I reassure noble Lords that NHSE/I [NHS England] already has extensive joint working and engagement under way with these and other professional groups to consider whether any other changes would help keep patients safe and well. This will build on the historic work with various professional bodies and the devolved Administrations, over the last few years, which resulted in a number of changes, including allowing paramedics and therapeutic radiographers to be independent prescribers. As well as this, a wider scoping project is being led by NHS England and NHS Improvement, with the devolved Administrations and professional bodies, on the current and potential future use of medicines supply, administration and prescribing mechanisms by a range of non-medical healthcare professionals.[3]
In a follow-up letter to peers dated 24 November 2020, Lord Bethell commented:
- The noble Lord, Lord Ramsbotham emphasised how some allied health professionals are keen to take on prescribing responsibilities to better support their patients and increase capacity in their home trusts. I know this is a heartfelt desire and I am keen to work with NHSE&I to ensure we can support these moves where it is safe and appropriate to do so.
- Significant moves have been made over the past few years enabling allied professions to take on extended roles with medicines, including enabling orthoptists and speech and language therapists to use patient group directions; diagnostic radiographers and dietitians to be supplementary prescribers; and paramedics and physiotherapists to be independent prescribers. NHSE&I is currently scoping the next phase of this programme of work and I expect it to report to me in April next year. I would not wish to pre-empt its findings because it is important that we act on evidence and prioritise the greatest benefits for patients and NHS need.
The NHSE scoping report which Lord Bethell said would be with him by April 2021 has not been published. It is not clear, therefore, what the report said about extending independent prescribing responsibilities to us. This is despite some of us submitting material to the scoping exercise.
Issue to press the Government on What did the report say, and will the Government publish it? |
#PrescribingNow campaign February 2023
- The #PrescribingNow campaign was launched in February 2023 calling for independent prescribing responsibilities to be extended to us.[4]
- The Government has not responded to letters we sent them in February and October 2023.
- Numerous MPs have tabled written questions or written to ministers.
- The Government’s replies have been disappointing, revealing no assessment has been taken of the benefits of extending prescribing responsibilities to us, despite the 2020/21 NHSE scoping exercise.
- The Government saying we are already able to supply or administer medicines to their patients via Patient Group Directions misses the point, and ignores the arguments peers made back in 2020.
- As detailed in the campaign’s briefing, without independent prescribing responsibilities, we cannot play our full part in supporting our patients, other healthcare professionals, and the wider system.[5]
Issue to press the Government on When will the Government start the process of extending independent prescribing responsibilities to dietitians, occupational therapists, orthoptists, diagnostic radiographers, speech and language therapists, prosthetists and orthotists, and operating department practitioners? |
House of Lords Integration of Primary and Community Care Committee report December 2023
- In December 2023, the House of Lords Integration and Community Care Committee report recommended extending prescribing responsibilities to more community disciplines:
- More community disciplines should be given independent prescribing and referral rights, going further than the recently announced plans from the government for pharmacists. The DHSC should build on this work and investigate whether other community clinicians can be given similar rights. POD and community clinicians are trained to a high level and could be given (new or enhanced) prescribing and referral rights that reduce demand on GPs as either prescribers or referrers. For example, orthoptists could monitor and prescribe glaucoma treatments. (Paragraph 168)
- The Committee’s report quoted from the #PrescribingNow coalition’s Q & A.
- We very strongly welcome and support the Committee’s recommendation.
Issue to press the Government on Will the Government act on the Committee’s recommendation? If so, when? If not, why not? |
[1] https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2023-09-19/200543
[2] https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/649/integration-of-primary-and-community-care-committee/news/198938/integration-is-key-to-health-service-improvement-says-lords-committee/
[3] https://hansard.parliament.uk/lords/2020-11-11/debates/BA33FB80-686D-40A3-802D-867ED6691A6E/MedicinesAndMedicalDevicesBill
[4] https://www.rcslt.org/policy-and-influencing/england/campaigns/
[5] https://www.rcslt.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Q-A.pdf
#PrescribingNow – two years on February 2025
Job advert – Orthotist – TalarMade – Northwest
Lynne Rowley MBE: Awarded the BAPO Lifetime Achievement Award
The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists has awarded Lynne Rowley the BAPO Lifetime Achievement Award.
The award has been made to reflect Lynne’s long service, during which she made a unique and dedicated contribution to both BAPO and the profession during what were challenging times. In particular, we wish to pay tribute to her leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic.
On hearing of the award Lynne said “I am taken aback by this award and it means the world to me. You will know that the P&O profession has been a major part of my life and it’s lovely to have that recognised by such a wonderful fraternity of colleagues.
It’s been an honour and a privilege to know and work with you all…Thank you again for the nomination and the award. I feel touched and greatly appreciate it”.
An article providing further details relating to the award and the career of Lynne Rowley will appear in BAPO Connect.
Job Advert – Graduate Orthotist – Steeper -Yorkshire
Job Advert – X2 Senior Orthotists – Steeper – Yorkshire and London
Job Advert – Orthotist – NHS Grampian – Aberdeen
Job Advert – Buchanan Orthotics – Orthotist, West Scotland
MSK Foot & Ankle: Holistic Management & Treatment Strategies – Preston 26-27 February 2024
Course description:
Simon Dickinson, Clinical Director & Consultant Orthotist, TalarMade Ltd
Laura Barr, Advanced Specialist Orthotist, MSK Team Lead for Orthotics at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Chris Cox, Teaching Fellow, National Centre for Prosthetics & Orthotics, University of Strathclyde
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this event the participant will be able to:
• Describe normal Foot and Ankle function
• Describe a range of MSK Foot and Ankle pathologies
• Define the tests required for differential diagnosis of a range of Musculoskeletal Foot and Ankle pathologies
• Demonstrate competence in interpreting the outcomes of a range of diagnostic tests
• Utilise imaging as part of the MSK patient assessment
• Demonstrate the ability to differentially diagnose a range of Musculoskeletal Foot and Ankle conditions
• Perform a thorough biomechanical examination to determine the biomechanical deficit
• Establish an evidence-based holistic treatment plan to address the presenting issue
• Generate a detailed evidence-based orthotic prescription, management plan including anticipated outcome
Intended Participants:
• Orthotists who have not previously attended the “Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Foot and Ankle Problems for Orthotists” course
• AHP’s regularly involved in treating adult MSK foot and ankle conditions
• Orthotists who attended the “Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Foot and Ankle
Problems for Orthotists” between 2015 – 2016
Please note this course is not available to Students.
Macdonald Tickled Trout Hotel, Preston New Road, Preston, PR5 0UJ.
Website: https://www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk/tickled-trout
Date & Time: Monday 26 – Tuesday 27 February 2024
Registration 8:30-9:00am on day 1.
Start 9:00am, finish 5:00pm on both days.
2 day course ticket includes lunch and refreshments
We encourage Orthotist attendees to apply for reimbursement from the Orthotic Education and Training Trust. Application forms are available from the OETT or BAPO websites www.oett.org.uk or www.bapo.com Requests for reimbursement must include evidence of reflective learning using the CPD form provided on the website.
Tickets: SOLD OUT
Cardiff 2024

After the success of our 2023 regional conferences in Scotland and South England, BAPO is excited to announce that we will hold our next regional conference in Wales on Friday 8th March 2024 at the Future Inn Cardiff Bay, Hemingway Road, Cardiff, CF10 4AU
The theme for the one-day event is People and Place: Enhancing the quality of prosthetic and orthotic services in Wales. Our programme will consist of a mix of invited speakers and free papers.
The event is targeted at P & O professionals and the wider P & O community. It is open to both BAPO members and non-members. It is a great opportunity to enhance knowledge, support continuing professional development, network with colleagues and engage with exhibitors face-to-face.
The programme will start at 11:00 am and conclude at 4:00 pm. Registration and the exhibition will start at 10:00 am. There will be a 1-hour lunch break and a 30-minute coffee break in the afternoon to allow delegates to network with colleagues and friends.
Come along to learn, collaborate, communicate and share ideas!

Kerrie Phipps
National Allied Health Professions (AHP) Lead Primary & Community Care | Arweinydd Proffesiynau Perthynol i Iechyd (AHP) ar gyfer Gofal Sylfaenol a Gofal yn y Gymuned
Kerrie provides professional leadership and expert strategic advice, on a national basis, relating to the role of Allied Health Professionals working across Primary and Community Care, in line with the vision of A Healthier Wales, the Strategic Programme for Primary Care and the AHP Framework in Wales – ‘Looking Forward Together’.
Her role focuses on optimising the AHPs offer and accessibility across Primary and Community Care, in order to support a preventative, pro-active whole system pathway approach to recovery and rehabilitation provision, which prioritises services at or close to home and enables citizens throughout Wales to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
Kerrie has over 30 years of experience working across health and social care and is passionate about AHPs utilising their unique skill set to support presenting needs, delivering person-centred support within a place-based care model of care. She is a leader committed to creating a culture of compassionate care, and inspiring greater collaboration to bring positive, inclusive and productive transformation.
Summary of Presentation:
Optimising the AHPs offer and accessibility across Primary and Community Care in Wales
The AHP Framework for Wales identified AHPs need to be utilised more effectively to inspire and enable people to lead healthier lives, be more easily and directly accessible, and work at the top of their ability with visible and transformational leadership. With ‘strong primary care’ at the heart of everything that they do.
This translates into the AHP ambition in Wales, for well-integrated services, rooted in the community, with the full range of practitioner levels and prudent optimisation of AHP skill set.

Doug Young
Improving Quality with Digital Manufacturing
Doug Young studied at the National Centre for Training and Education in Prosthetics and Orthotics at Strathclyde University in Scotland, graduating in 2006. Since then he has worked across the UK in both the NHS and private sectors. His specialism lies in complex orthotic problem solving, lower limb biomechanics and neurological conditions. His passion for high quality orthotic treatment inevitably led him into 3D printing where he has developed extensive knowledge and experience.

Dr Nicky Eddison
BAPO Chair, Associate Professor / Consultant Orthotist
Presentation – The current status of the UK prosthetic and orthotic workforce and implications for the future
Dr Nicky Eddison received her PhD in biomechanical optimisation of ankle-foot orthoses and footwear combinations in 2018 from Staffordshire University and currently holds the position of Association Professor at the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies at Staffordshire University. In addition, Nicky is a consultant orthotist and service manager at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust. In March 2024, Nicky will take the position of Chair of BAPO.
Nicky has a portfolio of peer-reviewed publications, achieving impact within the orthotics profession both nationally and internationally and across the wider healthcare domain of Allied Health Professions. Her research interests include biomechanical optimisation, prescription footwear, gait analysis, digitalisation in healthcare, and health inequalities.
Louise Henstock & Dr. Kim Stuart
Exploring Enhanced Level Practice – a new career structure to shape the workforce
Louise is a Senior Lecturer and Directorate Lead for Learning and Teaching across Allied and Public Health in the School of Health and Society with roles including leading on the implementation of Universal Design for Learning. Louise completed a BSc Physiology from the University of Leeds (1996), qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1999 (University of Bradford), and completed her Master’s degree in Sport and Exercise Management in 2003 (Leeds Metropolitan University). She has worked both clinically (NHS and private sectors) and within Higher Education Institutions (York St. John University, Cambridge University, and the University of Salford), completing her Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in 2007. She is currently an external examiner for Birmingham City University, MSc Pre-registration Physiotherapy programme. Louise has been a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2017 and has extensive experience in the design and delivery of both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, covering Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Medicine.
Louise has a keen interest in innovation and design and has recently co-led an innovation partnership with Coventry University in the development of a National Schema in Enhanced Practice (across seven Allied Health Professions), on behalf of NHS England.
The University of Salford, Directorate of Allied & Public Health, School of Health & Society, Frederick Road, Salford, M6 6PU
Tel: 07751713298
Kim is an Associate Professor in Occupational Therapy and is Allied Health Professionals Development Lead across the School of Health and Care with roles that include leading on the development of a new learning and teaching strategy for the pre-registration and foundation level curriculums. Kim completed a BSc Occupational Therapy at the University of Derby (1999) and has undertaken an MSc and Professional Doctorate.
She has worked both clinically (NHS and charitable sectors) and within Higher Education Institutions including holding roles in research, strategic commissioning and provider leadership within the NHS.
Kim has been a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2019 and has extensive experience in the design and delivery of both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, covering Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Social Care. Kim has a keen interest in innovation, curriculum review and design, most recently co-leading an innovation partnership with the University of Salford in the development of a National Schema and model curricula for Enhanced Level Practice across seven Allied Health Professions, on behalf of NHS England.
Coventry University, School of Health and Care, Priory Road, Coventry
Tel: 07714017733
Paul Drayton
A comparison study of three Transfemoral Sockets for an active teenager
Graduating from University of Salford in 2005, Paul Drayton is a Prosthetist at Swansea Artificial Limb and Appliance Centre since 2007.
Swansea Artificial Limb and Appliance Service is commissioned by the Welsh Health Specialist Services Committee (WHSSC) to provide all levels of upper and lower limb prostheses and devices to approximately 1300 service users from Aberystwyth to Bridgend.
Chiazoka Ezeuzo
My journey as an international Orthotist in the UK; challenges faced and solutions for easy integration
Chiazoka Ezeuzo (Mary) is an internationally trained Prosthetist and Orthotist, with BSc in Prosthetics and Orthotics from Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.
Mary currently practices as an Orthotist with Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, having years of clinical and managerial experience.
Mary is passionate about building greater intercultural leadership and management skills across culturally diverse teams with the purpose of improving the quality of prosthetic and orthotic services in the country.
She also works with the AHP RWT Education team to deliver training sessions and actively engage AHP students.
Being a preceptorship champion, she is creating more awareness on ease of transitioning for Newly qualified/ internationally qualified practitioners into full practice.
Matthew Hill
Development of a screening tool to assess the clinical suitability of Off-the-Shelf Stability Therapeutic Footwear (OSSTF) for mobility-impaired children
Matthew has recently completed his PhD in children’s therapeutic footwear at Staffordshire University’s Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies. He has previously worked within the NHS, specialising in children’s podiatry. He is a visiting lecturer at Staffordshire University and The University of Malta, delivering undergraduate and postgraduate modules on paediatric lower limb development and pathology.
Gwen Roberts
An exploration of the representation of the allied health professions in senior leadership positions in the UK National Health Service.
Gwen Lyn Roberts is a Prosthetist in NHS Cardiff and Vale. Prior to graduating from Strathclyde University she worked in various healthcare settings, experiencing the complexities of navigating health and social care in the UK. She has a passion for patient-centred care and is a believer that the best care is received through multi-disciplinary involvement, which has led to a focus on leadership within the AHP community to advocate for professions, and to ensure patients receive gold standard care.
Paul Charlton
Orthotic management of SONK; Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the knee. A case study
A practicing clinician of many years’ experience. Paul is passionate about the profession with a strong interest in academia and research he has held key roles in both ISPO and BAPO over his career.
Enza Leone
How does the prosthetic and orthotic workforce contribute to public health?
Enza Leone is a Research Officer within the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies (CBRT) at Staffordshire University. Enza is a physiotherapist and currently pursuing a PhD at Keele University. She has been involved in projects looking at the service of Allied Health Professionals.
Heather Bassett
Case study of joint MDT working across specialist services within south Wales and England with a complex burns patient.
Heather has been working in Cardiff as Prosthetist for a number of years.