We accept many different types of articles for BAPOConnect from case studies and research summaries to personal journeys.
If you are unsure if your submission is appropriate for the magazine, please email a brief outline or a finished piece to the Secretariat for clarification by the Editorial Committee.
We accept general queries via email or telephone at bapoconnect@bapo.com or 0141 561 7217.
Additional Information
Articles should be supplied as Word documents, though PDFs can be used, any images or graphs/diagrams embedded within documents should also be supplied as JPG files (see image guidelines below).
Articles over 1 full page in length should ideally be supplied with images and, where possible, subheadings. All articles MUST contain a headline and where appropriate, an author name and title.
Images embedded within Word documents and PDFs may not be suitable for print. It is possible to extract images from these files but they are often too small, so where possible the original image should be supplied as a separate high-resolution JPG. Generally, if the JPG file is over 1 MB it should be useable. While every effort will be made to include any images sent to us we cannot guarantee inclusion unless the below minimum specification is followed.
Acceptance of Articles
Notification of safe receipt of submissions from individuals will always be provided, with acceptance notification available upon request. BAPO will endeavour to confirm rejection with authors on an individual basis should this occur
We accept submissions throughout the year and generally articles are published in the next issue. However, on occasion and for submissions that fall out with the current issue deadline they may be assigned to subsequent issues. If you would like your piece to be considered for a specific issue, it must be received by the appropriate article submission deadline.
Terms of Use
You agree that any articles, photos/images, and any other content you submit is your original content or properly licensed content that you have the express right and permission to license to BAPO, does not infringe or violate any law, rule or regulation or the rights or intellectual property rights of any person or entity (or encourage anyone else to do so), is not objectionable, inaccurate or inflammatory; and is not obscene, defamatory, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, is not an advertisement or solicitation of business or contributions.
BAPO retains the right not to publish any content submitted to us, without need for justification or explanation. We retain the right to use (online or otherwise) content submitted to us after initial publication without notification of the copyright owner. We also retain the right to edit content submitted to us. Content may be edited for the following reasons
- To correct spelling mistakes
- To correct grammatical mistakes
- To format the article in line with others in BAPOConnect
- To ensure the article meets the terms and conditions
By submitting a photo/ image to BAPOConnect, you agree that BAPO reserves the right to publish the image on www.bapo.com and across our social media accounts. You agree that BAPO may publish photos submitted to us at any time after initial publication and alongside other articles and content without written credit to you, the copyright holder.
Your article may be featured at the top of the front page and shared through our social media accounts. You agree that BAPO has the right to use any content submitted to us for promotional or commercial purposes.
If you violate any of the terms (above), which you agree to by sending content to us via our email, or we receive an inquiry or complaint about your post, you agree that you are responsible, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless BAPO for all resulting claims and liabilities.