“This year we have seen the NHS long term plan explicitly identify that digitally enabled care will go mainstream across the NHS to improve population health and support healthcare professionals. This is supported by the recently published Topol review recommendations, asking NHS staff to make the most of innovative technologies such as genomics, digital medicine, artificial intelligence and robotics to improve services. As allied health professions (AHPs) we have an individual and collective responsibility to play a role in the development of these digital and data capabilities, anticipating the challenges and realising the benefits.
Enabling AHPs to use information and technology is therefore one of 4 priorities in AHPs into Action. A Digital Framework for Allied Health Professionals – Key foundations for future clinical practice supports local services and AHPs to make that happen and works towards services that are both paper-free at the point of care and connected to other services and systems.
I would encourage you to share, discuss and use this framework with your members and networks. Together we can ensure we deliver digital and data enabled AHP services for the benefit of citizens and the wider health and care system.”
Kind regards,
Suzanne Rastrick
Chief Allied Health Professions Officer
NHS England